A workshop will significantly and positively influence acceptance. A change can only be successfully implemented if everyone involved knows exactly why and, most importantly, how they can make a positive use of the change. LINXYS offers various workshops according to individual customer needs so that all involved parties can use the system from the first minute of the Go-Live with both efficiency and enjoyment.
Our professional and experienced coaches create an individual workshop plan together with you so that the training is optimally and, above all, efficiently carried out.
Depending on the customer’s request, workshops can be held in our own training rooms or at the customer’s location. Our coaches are flexible and always try to meet individual expectations. For this reason, we provide recommendations during the requirements analysis. For example, we may recommend just one or several workshops for your company. The ideal group size also depends on different criteria such as previous knowledge and individual employee needs and requirements from the system.

In order to give an in-depth overview of specific functions, we gladly offer our customers training via TeamViewer. We particularly recommend this type of online training if you want to train a small group of people who have the same level of knowledge. This type of training also primarily focuses on initially discussing specific modules and identifying topics to focus on in the future.
For training users successfully, we would always recommend in-person training either at our training centre or on-site.

In order to experience the live system and to learn how to properly use it, we offer workshops in our training centre in Rossrüti, Switzerland or in our other locations in Munich, Germany and Vienna, Austria. It is particularly important with the in-person training that the group isn’t too large as this makes it harder to focus on individuals. When introducing a new system, every single user should not only understand the system but also clearly recognise the benefits it brings to their own daily work.
This is the only way to guarantee that the system is both introduced successfully and used successfully.

Often learning best takes place in a familiar environment. As a result, we additionally like to offer on-site workshops to our customers. Since our user training courses are characterised by active participation, it is important that enough end devices are available so that each participant has the opportunity to try out what has been shown to them. By doing so, the training content is memorised and can be implemented more easily in future work. In on-site workshops, it is best if the training group is not too large and the participants have approximately the same level or experience. The pace can be adjusted to each group to efficiently reach the set goals.
Due to the nature of the product, all our workshops are carried out interactively and with modern training material. Each workshop participant should be able to get a feel for the social intranet solution and be able to recognise the personal benefits at first glance. We dedicate time to each individual employee, because only then can acceptance be guaranteed.
LINXYS also offers distinctive team building workshops on request: Get to know the Digital Workplace and your colleagues during a sailing trip and learn about the advantages of the social intranet solution first-hand.
Contact us.